What Is a Slot?


The word Slot is defined in the fifth edition of the American Heritage Dictionary, published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. This definition refers to a narrow opening or position in a machine that receives things and allows them to pass through it. Slots are also used to describe the position of an aircraft wing, where they are opened on the leading edge of the wing to improve airflow. Regardless of the definition, slot has many applications.

In ice hockey, the slot is a rectangular area that extends towards the blue line. It is also the fourth position of a flying display. Its origins go back to the Greek word sleutana, which is related to the Greek verb sleuth. The word is also cognate with the German Schloss. Slots have a definite meaning for aircraft and help to make air traffic flow more smoothly at busy airports.

Most slot machines have six levels, which vary the payout percentage. Each level has an equal chance of paying out 90 percent of the money put into it. Because the payout percentage varies by level, the game is “beatable.” In fact, parlor operators naturally set most of their machines to collect money, but they intentionally place a few paying machines on the floor to encourage players on losing machines to keep playing. In some jurisdictions, the change has to be done in the presence of Gaming Control Board officials, so that it is legally allowed.

A slot can be a metaphor for the “motherboard.” It is an open area on the motherboard that accepts an expansion card. The slots are usually 16 to 64 pinholes wide. Depending on the model of the machine, these slots can hold specialized capability. Most desktop computers are built with expansion slots. They allow users to add new hardware in the future. While there is a limit to the number of expansion slots on a motherboard, most machines come with at least one slot.